Alphie S loves any word that begins with the letter “S.” A sensational speaker, Alphie S is also a super snowboarder and a spectacular skier! Alphie S is very stable and supportive. Alphie S likes to team up with Alphie H as these Alphies begin “sh” words; like short, ship, and shout and they are always sharing things with the other Alphies. Alphie S loves to quote the play-write William Shakespeare, “Friends, Romans and” …Alphies, please remember … “This above all: to thine own self be true”.
salads, sandwiches, soups, snow, skates, skateboards, skis, sand, sun, school, science, seaweed and seaweed soup, selfies, smoothies, ships, sunflowers, strawberries, and so on.
suave, sophisticated, skiing, skating, skipping, sailing, sharing, studying, sincere, and has superlative sense of style.
seals, snakes, sheep, sparrows, snow leopards, starfishes, sole, sea lions, (just loves the super slow) sloth, and (the speedy) squirrels.
Congratulations! You made it to the last Alphie!!